What Could Disqualify Me From Having an Arm Lift?

Having an arm lift is a great way to achieve the slim, toned arms you desire. However, you should be aware that not everyone can undergo this surgery. If you wish to have a brachioplasty, you must meet specific criteria. Here, we look at some of the things that could disqualify you from having this procedure.

What Does an Arm Lift Involve?

An arm lift is a very effective surgery that removes excess fat and skin from the upper arm. The surgeon performs the procedure with the patient under a general anesthetic. They make an incision along the inside of the upper arm and cut away the excess fat and skin. They then tighten the tissues and suture the skin into its new position. Afterward, the patient benefits from slimmer, tighter, and more toned upper arms without any sagging.

Why Do I Need an Arm Lift?

Patients seek out an arm lift because they have loose and sagging skin on their upper arms. There are several reasons why this problem occurs.

One of the most common reasons you develop sagging arms is aging. As we age, our skin loses elasticity. Our skin loses elastin and collagen as part of the natural aging process. That results in skin that no longer snaps back easily into shape. We can, therefore, develop sagging and wrinkled skin on various parts of the body, including the arms.

Another common cause of sagging arms is weight gain and loss. If you rapidly lose a lot of weight, for example, due to bariatric surgery, sagging can occur. The skin stretches and can no longer snap back once the fat supporting it is gone. As a result, the skin droops and hangs.

The third cause of sagging arms comes down to genetics. If your family members have a tendency to accumulate excess fat on the upper arms, you may too. That excess fat may droop and sag below the arms.

Getting rid of excess fat on the upper arms is very challenging.  Spot-reducing any area of fat is impossible, even with intensive dieting and exercising. Even if you lose weight, it may not come from the arms. Fat in this area can be very stubborn and difficult to eradicate. Any fat loss may come from other areas of the body, leading to an even more disproportionate look.

If you have excess sagging skin on your upper arms, there is nothing you can do to improve its appearance. Once the skin stretches, it cannot snap back. The only solution is to undergo surgery.

Also Read – An Overview of Our Arm Lift Procedure

What Makes a Good Candidate for An Arm Lift?

To be a good candidate for an arm lift, you must:

  • Be in good health overall.
  • Be close to your ideal weight.
  • Have excess fat and skin on your upper arms.
  • Have realistic expectations about the outcome of your surgery.
  • Not smoke or vape, or drink alcohol before and after your surgery.
  • Be prepared to follow the surgeon’s instructions carefully before and after your procedure.
  • Be willing to live a healthy lifestyle in the long term to maintain the result.

Which Conditions Could Stop Me from Undergoing a Brachioplasty?

An arm lift is an excellent solution to improve the appearance of the upper arms. However, not everyone is suitable to undergo this procedure. Certain conditions can prevent you from undergoing this surgery. These include:

  • Hypertension
  • Obesity
  • Pregnancy
  • Heart Disease
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Anemia

Some other factors may prevent you from having an arm lift. These include:

  • Drug use.
  • Smoking (and refusing to quit either before or after surgery).
  • Previous issues with general anesthesia or previous surgical complications.
  • Inappropriate motivations or expectations.

Why Do These Conditions Make Surgery Risky?

Patients must have a general anesthetic to undergo arm lift surgery. General anesthesia presents its own risks that increase if you have any of the issues above pre-surgery. Furthermore, issues like bleeding disorders or anemia make it more dangerous to make incisions. If you use drugs or smoke before and after your surgery, that can have a negative impact on healing. Meanwhile, inappropriate motivations and unrealistic expectations could lead to ongoing poor mental health after surgery.

How Will My Surgeon Know If I Am Suitable for Surgery?

Patients always attend a thorough consultation with their surgeon before the procedure. At that time, the surgeon explores their health history, including medications, medical conditions, and expectations. Telling the truth is essential during this consultation to avoid any undue risks.

If an arm lift isn’t a suitable solution, it’s possible another option may work for you. For example, arm liposuction requires only a local anesthetic. This surgery is ideal for people who have excess fat and up to moderate skin laxity in the upper arms. It’s essential to seek out a highly skilled and experienced surgeon to get the surgery that’s right for you.

Get in touch with the ArtLipo team today to arrange a consultation to see whether an arm lift is appropriate.