Will I Need To Remove My Contraceptive Implant For An Arm Liposuction Procedure?
If you’re planning an arm liposuction procedure, you must do several things beforehand to prepare. You must quit smoking or vaping, avoid consuming alcohol, and stop taking certain medications before surgery. You should also make sure you’ve arranged for somebody to drive you home from your procedure. However, one thing you might be wondering about is whether you’ll need to remove your contraceptive implant before you have surgery.
Where Do Healthcare Professionals Place the Contraceptive Implant?
Contraceptive implants are small rods made from plastic. The implants are a couple of inches long, and they sit just beneath the skin inside the upper arm. They release progestogen into the patient’s bloodstream to prevent pregnancy. Some women opt for this kind of contraception because it lasts a long time and needs no maintenance. In most cases, the implant stays in place for between three and five years. It then requires removal by a healthcare professional.
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What Should I Do About My Implant?
In most cases, there’s no need to remove contraceptive implants before having surgery. When it comes to arm lipo procedures, the surgeon is treating your arms. That means it’s possible the surgeon may be treating the site of the implant itself. For that reason, it’s crucial to know the location of the implant on your arm before having surgery. Most times, you’ll be able to find the implant yourself under the skin of your arm. If you’re unable to find it yourself, you should ask your family doctor to help you. Sometimes, implants may move from their original sites, although usually only by an inch or two.
During your consultation, you must tell your surgeon about the implant and show them where it is. That will enable the surgeon to determine whether you need to remove the implant before your procedure. Usually, they’ll be able to avoid the need for you to remove your implant by working carefully around the area.
Does The Implant Increase My Risks During Surgery?
Fortunately, the contraceptive implant presents very few risks during any kind of surgery, including arm lipo. There is, however, a very small increased risk of blood clots after surgery. It’s essential to inform the surgeon about the implant so they’re aware of this and can take precautions. In virtually every case, there are no issues. But, should your surgeon have any concerns, they might ask you to remove your implant. You can arrange its removal with your family doctor or another medical professional.
Choosing a surgeon who has plenty of skill and experience in this field is the best way of ensuring the best possible outcome. If you’re looking for a liposuction expert, you need to look no further than Dr. Su at ArtLipo. As a pioneer in the liposuction field, Dr. Su is the creator of the Celebrity Arms procedure. This arm liposuction procedure is extremely comprehensive, removing up to 90% of excess arm fat. To learn more and arrange your consultation, contact Dr. Su at ArtLipo in Tampa, Florida, today.
Dr. Thomas Su, is the owner and cosmetic surgeon of Artistic Lipo. He has led our full-time clinic specializing in awake-only liposuction since 2007. Dr. Su began his medical career in internal medicine, practicing that until 2005, when he began to provide a full spectrum of non-invasive cosmetic procedures.