Is Lipo Skin Tightening A Myth?
You may have heard that lipo skin tightening is a myth and that it doesn’t really exist. However, is that really the case? Here, we look at whether it’s possible to tighten the skin during a liposuction procedure, and what you can do to improve the look of your skin.
The Loose Skin Problem
Saggy or loose skin can be a problem for many women. It occurs due to age, pregnancy, or weight loss. When the skin stretches, it damages the elastin fibers, and some natural recoil is lost. As a result, skin can become lax and unattractive. It’s no wonder, then, that so many women seek skin-tightening procedures to improve the look of their skin.
Liposuction Removes Fat, Not Skin
Surgeons often tell prospective liposuction patients that this procedure only removes fat and not skin. That is true. Other cosmetic surgery procedures are necessary if a lot of skin requires removal. An arm lift, thigh lift, or body lift, for example, can remove fat and skin. Nevertheless, that doesn’t always mean that liposuction cannot help patients with loose skin.
Skin Laxity And Liposuction
A key consideration is how lax the skin is and how much excess skin exists. As we’ve already pointed out, liposuction only removes fat, not skin. If you have a lot of loose skin and minimal fat, liposuction is not the right option for you. On the other hand, if you have some loose skin and excess fat, lipo may help. You will need, however, to find the right surgeon.
Finding The Right Surgeon
Many cosmetic surgeons will tell you that liposuction will only cause more skin laxity if it exists already. That isn’t always the case. A skilled and experienced surgeon with a specialism in the field of liposuction can give you straightforward advice. Although it isn’t possible to tighten extremely loose skin with liposuction, it’s possible to correct some laxity with liposuction. The solution lies in using the correct techniques.
Dr. Su at ArtLipo has pioneered the Active Lipo technique. This exciting and revolutionary procedure produces impressive outcomes for patients. The patient takes an active part in their surgery, tensing their muscles and moving their limbs as instructed. Dr. Su can remove maximum fat in this way and sculpt a beautiful silhouette.
Dr.Su’s Celebrity Arms procedure is especially effective when it comes to tightening the skin. If you look at our before and after photo gallery, you’ll see images to demonstrate this. Dr. Su can achieve an impressive degree of skin tightening even for women with moderate skin laxity.
Will Liposuction Work To Tighten My Skin?
Only a suitably skilled and experienced cosmetic surgeon can tell you whether liposuction is right for you. Dr. Su here at ArtLipo can advise you whether he can achieve skin tightening for you with his liposuction procedures. Dr. Su achieves great results for many of his patients. However, in some cases, a different procedure may be necessary to achieve sufficient skin tightening.
Contact the ArtLipo team to arrange your consultation and find out whether lipo skin tightening will work for you.

Dr. Thomas Su, is the owner and cosmetic surgeon of Artistic Lipo. He has led our full-time clinic specializing in awake-only liposuction since 2007. Dr. Su began his medical career in internal medicine, practicing that until 2005, when he began to provide a full spectrum of non-invasive cosmetic procedures.