(813) 886-9090 Virtual consultation

Virtual consultation

Send Your Photos to See Potential Liposuction Results in a FREE Virtual Consultation

At ArtLipo Plastic Surgery, we are accustomed to treating patients from across the U.S. and around the world, particularly for our Lipedema Surgery and Celebrity Arms™ Liposuction services. In fact, the majority of our liposuction patients travel from distant locations.

Consequently, we have developed highly effective methods for conducting consultations remotely, in a virtual manner. You will be assigned a personal consultant who can address your procedure-related inquiries via phone, email, or text during regular business hours.

How to send us photos

  1. Take photos in poses below, use an approximate sizing.
  2. Please ensure you are in a well-lit room.
  3. Darker background is better.
  4. Email to the consultant you are working with, or to Oksana@artlipo.com in case you haven’t started working with a specific consultant.
  5. Include your full name, address, email, phone number, and any directions on when or how to contact you.
  6. Include your age, height, and weight.
  7. Have you had previous Liposuction or Plastic Surgery?
  8. Do you have loose skin?
  9. Expect to receive your drawings and a quote along with communication from one of our consultants within 7-10 business days.
  10. If you have any questions you can call us 813-886-9090
get a free consultation
contact us for a free consultation
Tampa, Florida

    Virtual Consultation Forms

    New Patient Intake Form

    Legs Evaluation Poses


    Arms Evaluation Poses


    contact us for
    a free consultation

    Tampa, Florida