Virtual consultation
Send Your Photos to See Potential Liposuction Results in a FREE Virtual Consultation
At ArtLipo Plastic Surgery, we are accustomed to treating patients from across the U.S. and around the world, particularly for our Lipedema Surgery and Celebrity Arms™ Liposuction services. In fact, the majority of our liposuction patients travel from distant locations.
Consequently, we have developed highly effective methods for conducting consultations remotely, in a virtual manner. You will be assigned a personal consultant who can address your procedure-related inquiries via phone, email, or text during regular business hours.
How to send us photos
- Take photos in poses below, use an approximate sizing.
- Please ensure you are in a well-lit room.
- Darker background is better.
- Email to the consultant you are working with, or to in case you haven’t started working with a specific consultant.
- Include your full name, address, email, phone number, and any directions on when or how to contact you.
- Include your age, height, and weight.
- Have you had previous Liposuction or Plastic Surgery?
- Do you have loose skin?
- Expect to receive your drawings and a quote along with communication from one of our consultants within 7-10 business days.
- If you have any questions you can call us 813-886-9090
contact us for a free consultation
Tampa, Florida
Virtual Consultation Forms
New Patient Intake Formcontact us for
a free consultation
Tampa, Florida