Lipedema reduction surgery and cosmetic liposuction are, essentially in many ways, the same procedure. Both involve removing fat from the patient’s body using the same equipment. However, there are two key ways in which lipedema liposuction and cosmetic liposuction differ. These center around the aim of the surgery and the techniques the surgeon uses.

What is the Purpose of Cosmetic Liposuction?

The aim of cosmetic liposuction is fairly obvious. When it is carried out for cosmetic purposes, the goal of this procedure is to produce a perfect physique. Cosmetic liposuction seeks to create beautiful contours with even, smooth skin. The ideal outcome for the patient is a slimmer, more attractive silhouette. The surgeon achieves this by removing excess fat in key areas of the body. Cosmetic liposuction is an elective procedure with no medical aim or purpose.

What is the Purpose of Medical Liposuction?

Medical liposuction has a very different purpose from cosmetic liposuction. Essentially medical liposuction is a vital surgical procedure. Its aim is to treat a patient to achieve a health and well-being benefit. Liposuction lipedema sufferers aim to reduce pain and swelling in the affected limbs and also to improve mobility by removing diseased lipedema fat. That isn’t to say that there are no cosmetic benefits to medical liposuction.

After surgery, patients’ limbs will be smaller and less bulky. Their body shape will also become more proportionate. Usually, lipedema sufferers enjoy greater self-confidence and improved self-esteem after medical liposuction. However, cosmetic perfection is not the goal of this surgery. The patient’s skin may not be completely smooth and even afterward. Their limbs will be slimmer, but not necessarily flawless. Flawlessness is not the purpose of this procedure. Boosting the patient’s quality of life is.

Is Lipedema Fat Different From Regular Fat?

Liposuction reduction surgery differs from cosmetic surgery because it targets a different type of fat.  Lipedema fat is not the same as regular fat in terms of its composition and behavior. Lipedema fat is fibrotic and nodular. It also behaves differently in that it doesn’t respond to diet and exercise like regular fat does. When someone suffers from lipedema, they can feel nodules underneath their skin. Someone with excess normal fat won’t have such nodules. Also, if someone with regular fat exercises more and eats healthily, they will shed fat over time. That doesn’t happen for lipedema sufferers. No amount of dieting and exercising will eliminate the existing abnormal fat. Cosmetic liposuction focuses on the removal of regular fat cells. Medical liposuction focuses on removing diseased fat. That is a crucial difference between the two procedures.

Read More - What is the Difference Between Lipedema and Regular Fat?

Is a Different Technique Used for Medical Liposuction?

There are many similarities between medical and cosmetic liposuction. The equipment and instruments that the surgeon uses are the same. However, while the techniques are similar, they aren’t the same. When carrying out medical liposuction, the surgeon must use specialized techniques. They have to take extra care when treating the patient. That is because lipedema tissue is different from regular fat. It is more fibrous and nodular. Also, they must take extra care to spare the lymphatic system. With that in mind, the surgeon must be highly skilled and experienced to perform medical liposuction on lipedema patients.  

Are the Outcomes of Lipedema Reduction Surgery Different From the Outcomes of Regular Liposuction?

In some ways, the outcomes of lipedema reduction surgery are the same as those of regular cosmetic liposuction. Both procedures involve removing fat from the patient’s body. Therefore, after both types of liposuctions, patients’ limbs will be smaller and slimmer. There are some significant differences though.

The focus of medical liposuction is on achieving an outcome that centers around pain reduction. A good result from this surgery is reduced pain, reduced limb heaviness, and better mobility for the patient.

Medical liposuction aims to produce long-term health benefits for the patient. Afterward, they can exercise more easily and thus avoid further medical problems in the future. Essentially, the goal is to improve the overall quality of life for the patient.

The progress of the disease will also be slowed or even halted completely by surgery.

Meanwhile, the outcome of cosmetic liposuction is to provide an aesthetic improvement for the patient. The surgeon’s goal is to create smoother reshaped body contours to achieve the patient’s cosmetic goals.

Medical liposuction can produce cosmetic benefits for the patients too. The procedure results in smaller, slimmer, and less bulky limbs. It also creates a more proportionate body shape for the patient. Most lipedema sufferers are happy with the outcome of their surgery. They experience improved self-esteem and less self-consciousness after surgical treatment. Nevertheless, that isn’t the surgeon’s primary goal when performing the procedure. A skilled and experienced surgeon who specializes in treating lipedema patients will produce the best outcomes for sufferers. Dr. Su at ArtLipo produces excellent results for his patients. As a specialist in the field, he helps to boost the quality of life for lipedema sufferers. To find out more, get in touch today.