Liposuction helps patients with arm lipedema both physically and emotionally. Liposuction surgery removes the diseased fat in the arms. Lipedema fat causes pain in the arms. Therefore, once liposuction removes the fat, the patient experiences significantly less pain. The arms are also less heavy and bulky following liposuction. That makes it easier to move them more freely without discomfort. As liposuction also restores a more proportionate appearance to the arms, it improves self-esteem, too.

What is Arm Lipedema?

Lipedema is a chronic medical condition caused by diseased fat. Sufferers find that abnormal fat builds up in certain areas of their body. They find the areas of fat build-up are painful sensitive and bruise easily. The fat has a different texture than regular fat and behaves differently as well. No amount of dieting and exercising can eliminate or reduce lipedema fat. It simply continues to accumulate over time, eventually causing pain and mobility issues as well as self-esteem problems for sufferers.

For most sufferers of lipedema, it is the lower body that experiences most symptoms. Around 70% of people with this condition will have a disproportionately large lower body when compared with their upper body. The excess fat accumulates on the legs, giving them a swollen, column-like appearance. Nevertheless, up to 30% of sufferers have symptoms in their arms too. Characteristic signs of arm lipedema include disproportionate distribution of fat on the upper arms, swelling, tenderness, and pain.

There are both conservative and surgical treatments for lipedema, although there is currently no cure. Wearing compression garments and having manual lymphatic drainage massages regularly can help relieve the symptoms. Unfortunately, this relief is only temporary. That is why surgery is the most effective treatment option for lipedema sufferers. It addresses the cause of the condition – the abnormal fat. By removing it, liposuction helps to relieve pain while also improving the patient’s appearance.

Also Read - What Does Lipedema Look Like?

What Does Arm Liposuction Involve?

Liposuction is a well-known surgical procedure. It involves removing excess fat from areas of the body via suction through small incisions. When treating the arms, the surgeon treats the patient under local anesthetic. They make tiny incisions in the arms, passing a narrow cannula through. They use the cannula to break up the abnormal fat. They then use suction to remove this diseased fat. It’s crucial for surgeons to take extra care when treating lipedema patients because they need to spare the lymphatic system. As a result, they must use specialist techniques.

Why is Liposuction Effective for Arm Lipedema?

Liposuction is a highly effective treatment for arm lipedema. That is because it directly removes the abnormal lipedema fat that sufferers cannot reduce through diet or exercise. As liposuction removes the diseased fat, it relieves the symptoms the fat causes. One symptom that lipedema liposuction can relieve is pain. The abnormal fat puts pressure on the nerves, causing discomfort and pain in the arms. When liposuction removes the fat, pain is significantly reduced.

Removing lipedema fat reduces tenderness in the arms, making daily activities more comfortable. After surgery, sufferers can carry out household chores, professional tasks, and self-care more easily.

Liposuction reduces swelling in the arms by decreasing the volume of fat tissue that traps excess fluid. That improves lymphatic function and reduces fluid retention in the arms.

As liposuction removes the heavy deposits of fat on the upper arms, it helps to reshape them. Sufferers can then move their arms more freely, giving them improved function when performing daily activities.

Liposuction also restores more balanced proportions. It targets the excess fat that accumulates in the upper arms which can create a disproportionate appearance. Thus, liposuction also improves the patient’s self-esteem.

Does Liposuction Have Long-Term Benefits for Lipedema Sufferers?

One of the top reasons to consider liposuction as a lipedema sufferer is its long-term benefits. Liposuction can slow down or even halt lipedema’s progression. It prevents further fat accumulation thus stopping the symptoms from getting worse over time. Many sufferers find that they experience as much as 10 years of relief from their lipedema symptoms after surgery.

After liposuction, patients experience a positive impact on daily activities, body image, self-esteem, and overall mental well-being. Those benefits are long-lasting.

How Can I Make Sure I Get the Best Outcome from Liposuction for Arm Lipedema?

After undergoing liposuction to treat arm lipedema, it’s important to take action to ensure your get the best outcome. Crucially, you must wear your compression garments at all times as prescribed by your surgeon. These garments reduce swelling, prevent the build-up of fluid, and support effective healing. Adhering to your surgeon’s post-surgery instructions is imperative. However, the most vital thing to do to ensure the best outcome from liposuction is to choose the right surgeon. Dr. Su at ArtLipo is an expert in this area of liposuction. He specializes in treating lipedema sufferers and produces excellent outcomes. Get in touch today to find out more.