Finding ways to improve their quality of life is crucial for lipedema patients. Liposuction is often the answer. As liposuction removes the abnormal lipedema fat, it significantly reduces the symptoms associated with the condition. After liposuction, patients experience less pain, less bruising, and improved mobility. Liposuction also restores a more proportionate body shape to the sufferer. That helps boost self-confidence and self-esteem. As a result, patients enjoy a better quality of life overall.

What Does Liposuction for Lipedema Involve?

Liposuction for lipedema patients is very similar to liposuction for cosmetic patients. Surgeons use the same instruments and basic techniques for both types of surgery. However, there are two main differences. First, surgeons must use a more cautious approach when treating lipedema sufferers with liposuction. That is because they have to be careful not to cause more damage to their lymphatics. Second, the aims of both types of liposuctions are different. Liposuction for cosmetic purposes has the goal of producing an aesthetically pleasing, beautiful body contouring result. Liposuction for lipedema patients, on the other hand, has the aim of improving quality of life. It achieves this by reducing pain, improving mobility, and, as an added benefit, improving the patient's appearance.

Surgeons carry out liposuction on lipedema patients under local anesthetic. The patient is awake and alert, but experiences no pain. The surgeon makes small incisions in the areas they are treating. They pass a tube or cannula into the incision and then use the cannula to break up the abnormal fat. Finally, they use suction to remove the fat.

Afterward, patients will experience bruising, swelling, and some pain. After a few days, the pain and bruising will subside. The swelling takes longer to go away but will eventually disappear. The final outcome is visible after about six months.

Also Read - What Surgeons Perform Lipedema Liposuction

Why Does Liposuction Improve Life Quality for Lipedema Sufferers?

Lipedema sufferers experience some unpleasant symptoms including pain and bruising in the affected limbs. It is the fat itself that causes these symptoms. Therefore, liposuction is an effective treatment for lipedema sufferers. That is because liposuction removes fat, including lipedema fat. When the fat is gone, the pain reduces, too.

The build-up of lipedema fat eventually impedes mobility and prevents sufferers from living an active lifestyle. The lower limbs become very heavy and hard to move. Liposuction removes this excess fat. When the limbs are lighter and easier to move, patients enjoy a more active life. They can begin to exercise and work out.

Furthermore, liposuction restores a more proportionate body appearance. As a result, sufferers feel less self-conscious, anxious and depressed. They can enjoy better self-confidence and self-esteem.

Does Liposuction Improve Physical Health for Lipedema Sufferers?

Liposuction improves lipedema sufferers' aesthetic appearance. However, it also has physical health benefits too. The main reason for this is because liposuction helps patients to become more mobile. Patients can start to live a more active lifestyle and work out more. They also feel more confident in exercising, because they are less embarrassed about their body shape. As a result, they can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing secondary medical problems, like obesity, heart issues and diabetes. That means they can stay healthier overall for longer.

Are The Results of Liposuction Permanent for Lipedema Sufferers?

It is crucial for lipedema sufferers to understand that lipedema is a progressive condition and there is no cure. Liposuction can't therefore cure lipedema but it can significantly slow its progression. The results of liposuction may not be permanent, but they are extremely long-lasting. Studies show that many patients experience years of relief after surgery – as many as 12 or more. Almost 93% of lipedema sufferers expressed their satisfaction after surgery. Those figures demonstrate that liposuction is the golden standard treatment for lipedema sufferers.

How Can I Maximize My Chances of a Good Outcome from Lipedema Liposuction?

If you are considering undergoing lipedema liposuction, you'll want to be sure of a good outcome. The best way to be sure of this is to choose the right surgeon. You must do your research well before deciding which surgeon to choose. While many surgeons offer lipedema liposuction, not all are experienced in treating lipedema sufferers. They must take a cautious approach to treating lipedema patients. So, the right surgeon must be a specialist in both liposuction and lipedema treatment. When choosing a surgeon, take the time to check out the results they've achieved for lipedema sufferers. Dr. Su at ArtLIpo is an excellent choice of cosmetic surgeon for lipedema patients. He specializes in the field of liposuction and has years of experience. He is also an expert in treating lipedema sufferers. He regularly treats patients at all stages of the disease and produces very good outcomes for them. To find out more and to arrange a consultation, get in touch with the ArtLipo team today.