Arm liposuction can be more complex than other kinds of liposuction. The natural curve of the arm makes this area of the body tricky to treat.  Traditionally, surgeons also take a very conservative approach to treating the arms. That is because there are concerns about skin laxity and the amount of fat removal in the arm itself. However, in the hands of an experienced surgeon, it is possible to reduce a significant percentage of arm fat.

How Do Surgeons Perform Arm Liposuction?

The basic procedure for arm liposuction involves treating the patient under local anesthetic. The surgeon makes small incisions in the arms. They pass a cannula through, break up the excess fat, and suction it out to produce a slimmer arm.

Many cosmetic surgeons treat the underhang of the arm. Traditionally, surgeons learn during training to only treat the arm conservatively. That is because they worry about the possibility of loose skin afterward. Therefore, they only remove a small percentage of the excess fat, usually less than 50%. Patients may feel dissatisfied after such surgery, as the improvement is typically very minimal. 

A skilled surgeon who specializes in liposuction can produce far more impressive outcomes. Dr. Su at ArtLipo pioneered a cutting-edge arm lipo technique that removes the maximum amount of arm fat. His Celebrity Arm Technique treats the entire 360-degree circumference of the arm. As a result, he achieves more impressive outcomes than those achieved by standard arm liposuction techniques.

Learn More - Are There Different Types of Arm Liposuction Procedures?

How Much Fat Can Arm Liposuction Remove?

The amount of fat that arm liposuction removes depends on the surgeon's skill and their technique. Most surgeons use traditional standard arm liposuction techniques only on the underhang.  That means they can only remove 50% of excess arm fat as a maximum, and sometimes as little as 30%.

Dr. Su's 360-degree arm liposuction treatments remove as much as 90% of excess arm fat. That is because Dr. Su treats the whole circumference of the arm and the shoulder. That approach allows for a far more slimming and contoured effect.

Can Other Areas Be Treated at the Same Time as the Arm?

Some patients opt to only treat their arms when undergoing liposuction. But it's certainly possible to treat other areas simultaneously during a single surgery. A skilled and experienced surgeon is able to treat both the arm and shoulder area together. It's also possible to treat the bra bulge area as well for a smooth and contoured result. This comprehensive approach produces the best possible outcome and removes the maximum amount of fat.

What is the Celebrity Arms Technique?

Dr. Su developed and pioneered his own arm liposuction technique that is far more effective than traditional methods. He calls his method the Celebrity Arms Technique. It gets its name because the technique reflects the contoured, toned, and slim appearance of celebrities' arms on the red carpet. This technique enables Dr. Su to help women with excess arm fat achieve this same attractive aesthetic.

Dr. Su's technique varies considerably from standard arm liposuction methods. Most surgeons only treat patients while they're lying down. Dr. Su takes a different approach. He uses an active liposuction technique. That involves the patient cooperating with the surgeon and participating in their own surgery. During the procedure, Dr. Su asks the patient to move and tense their arm muscles. Doing so allows him to sculpt the fat closely to the muscle for maximum fat removal. Asking the patient to stand during surgery also offers a benefit. Dr. Su can see how the arm looks under the influence of gravity. He can more easily check that the result is even and looks natural.

Instead of only treating part of your arm, Dr. Su treats the entire 360-degree circumference of the arm. He treats the underhang, sides, top of the arm as well as the shoulder. The final outcome is a toned, contoured, and attractive arm.

Surgeons learn to only treat the underhang and to adopt only a conservative approach is to avoid loose skin. Yet Dr. Su discovered that his technique results in no loose skin or wrinkling. In fact, the Celebrity Arms Technique produces an excellent degree of skin contraction for a tight and contoured look.

The Celebrity Arms technique achieves excellent results for women with a small or moderate amount of excess fat. Women with larger arms can also see a significant degree of tightening and contouring. They may, however, require an additional procedure such as an arm lift to achieve complete tightening. Dr. Su will advise during a consultation about the kind of result patients can expect after surgery. Only Dr. Su at ArtLipo offers the Celebrity Arms liposuction technique. You can see the impressive results he achieves on the ArtLipo website gallery. To find out more about the outcome he could achieve for you, arrange a consultation.