Lipedema surgery is sometimes known as lipedema liposuction. Lipedema surgery involves making tiny incisions in the affected area. The surgeon passes a cannula through the incisions to break the diseased fat up. They then use suction to remove the fibrotic fat. Surgeons perform this surgery in a similar way to regular cosmetic liposuction. However, they must take extra care to spare the patient’s lymphatics system. Therefore, patients must take care to choose a skilled and experienced surgeon to ensure the best outcome.

What Does Lipedema Surgery Involve?

Essentially, lipedema surgery is liposuction. Most people are aware of liposuction as a cosmetic surgical procedure. Lipedema liposuction is similar but not the same as cosmetic liposuction. The equipment and instruments are the same for both types of procedures. The techniques are different though. When surgeons treat lipedema patients, they must use specialized techniques. Also, the aim of the surgeries is different. Cosmetic liposuction has the aim of achieving a flawless physique. Lipedema liposuction, on the other hand, aims to reduce the patient’s pain and improve their mobility.

Surgeons carry out lipedema surgery with the patient under local anesthetic. They make very small incisions in the area of the body they’re treating. They pass a narrow cannula into the incisions, using it to break the fat up. Finally, they suction the fat away.

As this surgery removes the abnormal lipedema fat, it’s an excellent treatment for lipedema sufferers. It addresses the cause of the condition, not only the symptoms.

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How Do I Prepare for Lipedema Surgery?

If you’re preparing to undergo lipedema surgery, there are several things you must do. The most important thing is to choose the right surgeon. They must be an expert in the field with plenty of experience in treating lipedema sufferers.

You will have an initial consultation during which you will discuss your symptoms, expectations, and medical history. During the appointment your surgeon will carry out medical evaluations and tests. It’s crucial to be upfront and honest about your medical background and any conditions you have. That will ensure your surgeon can give you well-informed advice and assess your suitability for surgery. They will also be able to inform you about the potential risks and help you to set a realistic outcome.

Furthermore, they will give you the information you need about what you can and cannot do before surgery. For example, you should quit vaping and smoking before your procedure and avoid alcohol. You should also stop taking certain medications and supplements before your procedure.

Is Lipedema Surgery Performed Under General or Local Anesthetic?

There are some surgeons who opt to perform lipedema surgery with patients under a general anesthetic. However, these days, more surgeons prefer to use local anesthetic. That is because it’s a safer and better option for patients. The recovery time post-surgery is shorter and there are fewer risks associated with the surgery. Not only that, but the patient can go home on the same day and eat and drink normally before surgery. Dr. Su at ArtLipo uses a local anesthetic when treating his patients so they can participate in their own procedures. His active liposuction technique achieves outstanding results.

Will I Need Multiple Lipedema Surgeries?

Whether you will only need one lipedema surgery or multiple surgeries will depend on the amount of fat to remove. If your lipedema is at an early stage, a single surgery may suffice. If you’re at a later stage or have a large volume of fat to remove, you may need more procedures. The reason for this is that it isn’t safe to remove too much fat in a single procedure. Patients must have time to heal and recover between procedures. Your surgeon can advise you how many procedures you’ll require at your initial consultation.

What Happens After Lipedema Surgery?

Immediately after lipedema surgery you’ll be put into compression garments. You can go home the same day but cannot drive. You’ll need somebody to take you home and preferably stay for a day or so to help. At first, you’ll need to rest. For a couple of days, you’ll need to recuperate. Then you can start doing some gentle exercises. You’ll need to wear your compression garments at all times to support you healing and reduce swelling. You’ll be given a follow-up appointment date to see your surgeon. You must attend this appointment as it gives your surgeon the chance to assess your healing. They can also spot potential complications at an early stage.

What Are the Expected Outcomes of Lipedema Surgery?

The expected outcomes of lipedema surgery include the reduction of swelling, improving of mobility, and reduction of pain. Usually, this surgery produces long-term relief from symptoms and slows the progression of the disease significantly. Patients generally feel much happier after surgery and have improved body image and self-esteem.

Where Can I Get Lipedema Surgery?

Finding a highly skilled and experienced surgeon is crucial in achieving the best possible outcome from your procedure. Dr. Su at ArtLipo is an expert in this field and specializes in treating lipedema patients. Call the ArtLipo team now to find out more.