After stomach liposuction, you may notice that you have some wrinkles, lumps, or bumps. You shouldn’t worry too much about these. It is all part of the normal healing process. To smooth out your stomach after liposuction, you need to follow your surgeon’s instructions. You must wear your compression garment as they prescribe. It will help promote a good recovery and encourage any lumps and bumps to become smooth again. Most patients find that their stomach is smooth again just a couple of weeks after surgery.

Why Is My Stomach Not Smooth After Liposuction?

Immediately after liposuction, it’s common to have some bumps and lumps on your stomach. The reason for this is that fluid accumulates under the skin after any surgery. It is a normal reaction to the trauma of the procedure. Inflammation and swelling are the results.

Liposuction involves the creation of tunnels underneath the skin with a cannula. The resulting hollow spaces become full of bodily fluids. As a result, irregular swelling occurs, and the skin’s surface looks bumpy. Eventually, those tunnels will collapse, and the skin will return to normal. The compression garment your surgeon gives you after surgery will help with this. It presses down the skin so it can settle more quickly and fit to the musculature beneath. You must be patient after surgery, as it takes some time to see the outcome. Your stomach may not be entirely smooth for several weeks. For some patients, it can take even longer. In the vast majority of cases, though, patients will see a perfect outcome after six to twelve months.

In a few cases, localized hematomas (or accumulations of blood below the skin) can cause bumps and lumps. They will always improve over time. It can take up to 12 months, though, to see the whole improvement. In a few cases, some residual fat may remain after liposuction surgery. Often, those small bumps settle down and return to a smooth appearance. In a worst-case scenario, a second procedure resolves this problem. If you choose a skilled and experienced surgeon, though, it’s unlikely for this problem to occur.

The Importance Of Compression

The most crucial thing any patient can do after liposuction to smooth their stomach is to wear their compression garment. It may feel somewhat uncomfortable at first. However, you must wear it exactly as the surgeon prescribes. Compression is necessary to promote a faster recovery and to help reduce fluid build-up. It encourages the body to reabsorb the fluids, helping to minimize lumps and bumps more quickly. You have to wear your compression garment 24 hours a day at first after surgery. You should remove it only to take a shower then put it back on. After a few weeks, your surgeon will probably advise that you can take it off for periods of time. It’s vital you adhere to this advice.

How Long Does It Take For My Stomach To Become Smooth After Liposuction?

For the first two to three weeks, you may still see lumps on your stomach after liposuction. After around three to four weeks, though, you should see improvement. Up to 70% of the swelling will have disappeared by this point. After about two to four months, most patients will see that their skin is smooth again.

How Can I Get Rid Of Bumps After Liposuction?

A skilled surgeon will minimize the risk of any long-term lumps and bumps after stomach liposuction. Some patients, though, still notice irregularities in their treated area after several months have passed. There are a few treatments that help to flatten the skin more quickly. These include:

  • Massage – MLD (manual lymphatic drainage therapy) helps to eliminate fibrosis (formation of scar tissue) and swelling more quickly.
  • Radiofrequency therapies
  • Laser skin tightening therapy – this non-invasive infrared light treatment tightens the skin, making it contract by heating up the collagen beneath the surface of the skin.
  • Ultrasound therapy

Do I Have Fat Necrosis? 

Fat necrosis is a very rare problem. For a very few patients, lumps and bumps remaining on their stomach after around four months could be due to fat necrosis. A specialist can diagnose this condition through ultrasounds, MRIs, or x-rays. Often, fat necrosis improves with time. In some cases, though, treatment is necessary. Surgical removal or needle aspiration are the options available. Needle aspiration involves putting a narrow needle into the lump to drain out its oily contents. Larger lumps require surgical removal. That is an extremely rare occurrence, and if you choose a skilled and experienced surgeon, it is unlikely to occur.

Dr. Su is a specialist in liposuction at ArtLipo in Tampa, Florida. He has years of experience in the field and produces impressive results. You can find out more about his innovative techniques and arrange a consultation by getting in touch with ArtLipo today.