Is Lipedema Genetic?
“Is lipedema genetic” is a question that many experts are asking. Although lipedema remains a poorly understood medical condition, awareness is growing. As more sufferers seek treatment, it is becoming clear that a better understanding of the condition is required. Now, researchers are looking into the causes of lipedema to find out whether genes could be responsible. The current findings show that a sufferer’s genes almost certainly have a part to play. Although there is no definitive answer yet, it appears that lipedema has at least some genetic causes.
What Is Lipedema?
Lipedema is a progressive medical condition that currently has no cure. Its main symptom is a build-up of fatty tissue symmetrically across the lower body. Although lipedema is quite common (affecting around 11% of women), it’s poorly understood. The condition causes swelling, easy bruising, and pain in the affected areas. The surface of the skin also often feels unusual. It typically has a texture similar to orange peel and may feel cool and soft. If left untreated, lipedema gets worse over time. It may initially only affect the legs and lower body but may spread to the arms eventually. Often, lipedema runs in families, so a genetic link is very likely.
Also Read: Lipedema or Just Fat Legs – Spotting the Tell-Tale Signs
If My Mother Has Lipedema, Will I Have It Too?
Experts have been carrying out genetic research into lipedema for some time. The evidence shows a link between sufferers and their mothers or grandmothers having the same condition. As many as 64% of sufferers report that other family members also suffer from lipedema. The results of two studies revealed that between 29% and 38% of sufferers have a mother who has lipedema. Between 17% and 35% of sufferers have a grandmother with lipedema, and between eight percent and 23% have an aunt with the disease.
Other Women in My Family Have Large Legs; When Will I Know If I’m A Sufferer?
If other women in your family have large legs, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll suffer from lipedema too. If you have no symptoms at present, you may never develop any. On the other hand, if you do have the condition, symptoms will usually appear at times of hormonal change. Puberty, pregnancy, menopause, and after gynecological surgery are typically times when symptoms first emerge. It’s important to remember that not everyone with family members who have lipedema will be a sufferer themselves. There is, however, a higher chance.
What Can I Do If I Develop Lipedema?
If you notice the signs of lipedema, it’s vital to seek help from a specialist in the condition immediately. Getting treatment early is key to avoiding the worst symptoms and side effects. Lipedema is a progressive condition and so gets worse over time. If you wait until the disease is at a late stage before getting help, it will be harder to treat. Getting help at Stage 1 or 2 of the disease helps you to achieve the best outcome.
If you think you have lipedema, it’s best to find a specialist and not rely on your family doctor. Unfortunately, many doctors are still uninformed about lipedema. They tend to misdiagnose sufferers, telling them they are obese and that they should lose weight through dieting and exercising. Receiving the wrong diagnosis can lead to delays in obtaining effective treatment. It can also cause self-esteem and confidence problems to get worse.
Sufferers often feel insecure about their disproportionate appearance. When their efforts to diet and exercise don’t help, they become even more anxious and depressed.
A specialist, on the other hand, can give a diagnosis straight away. They can also offer effective treatment.
How Can I Treat Lipedema?
Unfortunately, as yet, there is no cure for lipedema. However, there are effective treatments that relieve the symptoms of the condition. Most doctors will recommend a conservative approach. These treatments include manual lymphatic drainage massage, adhering to special diets, and wearing compression garments. These treatments all address the symptoms, not the cause of the disease. They can help to relieve pain and discomfort, but only in the short term.
The best option to treat lipedema is surgery. The surgical treatment for lipedema is liposuction of the affected areas. It addresses the cause of the problem – the diseased fat rather than simply dealing with the symptoms. The surgery involves the surgeon making small incisions in the affected areas. They then break up the fat and suction it out, permanently removing it.
Although liposuction isn’t a permanent solution for lipedema, it helps to improve the patient’s quality of life. Patients experience less pain after surgery, and they become more mobile. They also enjoy better self-esteem and self-confidence as their body has a more proportionate appearance.
To learn more about the question “is lipedema genetic” seek advice from Dr. Su at ArtLipo.
As a specialist in the field, he can give you the diagnosis you need and help you get effective treatment