How Can I Have Obese Legs if I’m Not Overweight?
Many people only associate obese legs with people who are overweight. However, there are many women who are otherwise slim but suffer from large legs. That can be a distressing problem and lead to both eating disorders and mental health issues. If your legs are large, but your weight is otherwise normal, you should seek advice from a specialist. You may simply have genetically large legs, but you may also suffer from lipedema.
What is Lipedema?
Lipedema is a medical condition resulting from diseased fat. Unfortunately, although around 11% of women are sufferers, it is still poorly understood. Even many medical professionals struggle to give an accurate diagnosis. Lipedema is a progressive condition that worsens over time. There is currently no cure, although there are treatments available. The disease causes irregular fat distribution, typically across the lower half of the body. Sufferers usually have large legs with a column-like shape. Symptoms of lipedema may include pain and tenderness in the legs and a tendency to bruise easily. The fat may also have an unusual texture, with nodules or “pearls” underneath the skin.
How Do I Know if I Have Lipedema?
Lipedema isn’t easy to diagnose, and many doctors misdiagnose patients as being obese. However, if diet and exercise don’t help to reduce your leg size, you may have lipedema. One characteristic sign of lipedema is a disproportionate body shape. If your upper body is slim, but your lower body is much larger, you may have lipedema. Also, if your family members have the same body shape as you, you may have lipedema. The reason for this is that lipedema may have a genetic component. If you think you have lipedema, seeking advice from a specialist in the field is vital to get a diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
Also Read – Are Lipomas and Lipedema the Same Thing?
Are Obese Legs Dangerous?
Technically speaking, obese legs aren’t medically dangerous in many cases. If your legs are genetically large but you’re the correct body weight, you probably won’t have a physical problem. Of course, it may impact your emotional and mental well-being.
If you have lipedema, obese legs can be more of an issue. Lipedema is a progressive condition. It will only worsen over time and can spread to other areas like the hips, buttocks, and arms. Without treatment, lipedema can eventually affect mobility, mental well-being, and general health. Lipedema makes it harder to exercise in the long run, so you’re more at risk of becoming obese overall. Fortunately, there are treatments to relieve the symptoms of lipedema. Conservative treatments like MLD (manual lymphatic drainage) and wearing compression garments are one option. However, surgery is often the best solution.
How Can I Find Out Whether My Legs Are Obese Due to Lipedema?
If you’re concerned that you might have lipedema, it’s essential to seek expert help. Only a specialist in the field can give you the diagnosis and treatment you need. Dr. Su at ArtLipo in Tampa, Florida, is a specialist in treating lipedema. Arrange your consultation today to find out whether your obese legs could be due to lipedema.