(813) 886-9090 Virtual consultation

Lipedema Surgery

Before and After Results

At ArtLipo we feel that it is very important to show our before and after results for all our surgeries. In this gallery, you will see before and after results in particular for our lipedema patients. The results are in chronological order of when they were added. These lipedema patients either just had their surgery done and it is an immediate after photo, or they are several months after completion. In either case, you can see how our patients have transformed and look much better. Our doctors are artists so we lover to show our work. This should give you confidence that we can also create results like this for you. If you don’t see many before and after photos on another clinics website, that should tell you something.

contact us for a free consultation
Tampa, Florida

    Patient 1

    Patient 2

    Patient 3

    Patient 4

    Patient 5

    Patient 6

    Patient 7

    Patient 8

    Patient 9

    Patient 10

    Patient 11

    Patient 12

    Patient 13

    Patient 14

    Patient 15

    Patient 16

    40 year old local patient. She suffers from severe Lipedema and is thrilled with her results!

    Patient 17

    44 year old patient from Canada. She suffers from severe Lipedema.

    Patient 18

    33 year old patient from Maryland. She suffers from Lipedema.

    contact us for
    a free consultation

    Tampa, Florida