Seven Key Benefits of Liposuction of the Double Chin

Liposuction of the double chin may not be the most common lipo procedure, but it’s becoming more popular. Both men and women are increasingly interested in restoring their youthful good looks via surgery. Chin lipo represents a great solution that is quick, efficient, and effective. Double chin lipo can eliminate excess fat in this problematic area of the face. As a result, it offers a host of benefits for the patient. Here, we take a closer look at seven of those key benefits. That will help you make a well-informed decision about whether this procedure is right for you.

Why Do I Have a Double Chin?

There are several reasons why you may develop a double chin. One common reason people develop a double chin is weight gain. If you gain weight overall, you may accumulate fat all over your body, including in the chin area. Aging is another common cause of double chin development. The skin becomes less elastic as we age, and that can result in skin sagging in the jowl area. Perhaps the most common reason for developing a double chin, however, is genetics. Some people have a genetic predisposition to fat accumulation in certain areas due to their genetic makeup. You may have a genetic predisposition to fat accumulation in the chin area.

Also Read – What Do I Need to Be Aware of About Double Chin Liposuction?

Do I Need Chin Lipo to Get Rid of a Double Chin?

Getting rid of your double chin naturally can be extremely difficult. Dieting and exercise is often the recommended solution. However, these options may not work due to the stubborn nature of this fat. It’s impossible to spot-reduce fat in any area, including the chin. Also, there are very few exercises you can do to target the chin area specifically. A double chin makes you look older and fatter, so it isn’t surprising that surgery is a popular option.

What Does Double Chin Lipo Involve?

Double chin liposuction is an effective way to remove excess fat in the chin area surgically. It involves the surgeon making a small incision underneath the chin. They then pass a very narrow tube into this incision and use it to suction out the fat. The result is a slimmer chin area that helps to make the patient look thinner and younger overall. There are many benefits that come with undergoing chin lipo. Here are just seven of the advantages of arranging this surgery:

  • Speed

Some people suggest using facial exercises to get rid of a double chin. Others offer non-surgical treatments like injections that promise to reduce chin fat. These options may not work; and if they do, they can take a long time to show results. It’s far quicker to address a double chin with surgery than to try to do facial exercises. Also, double chin lipo is a one-off procedure, unlike injections that promise to reduce chin fat. These require repeat injections every few months. The double chin lipo procedure takes under 30 minutes, making it a speedy option.

  • It Requires Only a Local Anesthetic

Patients only receive a local anesthetic when having double chin liposuction. Local anesthetics are far safer than general anesthetics. The patient can go home on the same day and will have a better recovery. There are also far fewer risks involved.

  • It’s Permanent

If you maintain a healthy lifestyle long-term, you can enjoy your new, slim chin for many years. Chin lipo removes excess fat permanently.

  • Your Jawline Will Be More Pronounced

After double chin lipo, your jawline is more pronounced. That is an especially popular reason for men to get double chin lipo. After all, a prominent jawline is a sign of male beauty. A defined jawline also gives the face a better shape, whether you’re male or female.

  • You’ll Look Slimmer

Reducing the fat in the chin area can make you look slimmer overall. Chin lipo can make you appear to have dropped a dress size effortlessly. This is because a slim face gives the impression of a slimmer body. You can create the appearance of a smaller body after having this relatively non-invasive procedure.

  • You Can Wear Anything You Like Afterward

After chin lipo, you can have the confidence to wear anything you like. You won’t need to hide your chin with polo necks and scarves anymore. Instead, you can show off your new, slim facial contours with open necklines and low tops.

  • You’ll Look Younger

Not only will a slimmer chin make you look thinner overall, but it’ll also take years off you. People who undergo double chin lipo look much younger after their procedure.

Dr. Su at ArtLipo offers facelift lipo surgery. This double chin lipo procedure not only removes excess chin fat but also tightens the skin. As a result, it achieves a far more complete and impressive outcome than regular chin lipo procedures. Get in touch with Dr. Su today to arrange your consultation for liposuction of the double chin.