Will Thigh Liposuction Get Rid of My Saddlebags?
Thigh liposuction seems like the ideal solution if you have a saddlebag problem. But will it really eliminate this all-too-common problem? Here, we take a closer look at thigh lipo surgery and its effectiveness in improving these fat pads.
Saddlebags – What Are They And What Do They Look Like?
Saddlebags are localized areas of fat over the hipbones. They sometimes appear during puberty due to shifts in hormones. However, much of the time, the cause is genetic. If you have close family members with saddlebags, you’ll probably have them too.
Can Dieting Get Rid Of My Saddlebags?
Many people believe that if they diet and work out more it will get rid of their saddlebags. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. Your genetics determine your body shape, and eating healthy foods or exercising cannot alter it. If you are obese, dieting may help you lose fat overall. That could improve the appearance of your saddlebags. However, that isn’t guaranteed. Saddlebags are challenging to target, and spot-reducing fat is impossible through dieting. Over time, saddlebags may even get worse as metabolism slows down with age.
Also Read: Learning the Facts About Liposuction for Inner Thighs
What Does Thigh Lipo Involve?
Thigh lipo is a surgical procedure to remove excess fat from the thighs. It’s possible to have inner or outer thigh lipo as well as 360-thigh lipo. Lipo procedures are effective at getting rid of fatty deposits on the upper legs.
Outer thigh lipo addresses fat on the outer thighs, while inner thigh lipo gets rid of inner thigh fat. A 360 lipo, on the other hand, treats the entire circumference of the upper leg. It removes fat from the outer and inner thighs as well as the front and back of the leg.
Any type of thigh lipo involves the surgeon making tiny incisions in the leg under local anesthetic. They break the fat up using a narrow cannula and then suction it out. They then sculpt the remaining fat to create a slimmer line and more attractive shape.
Will Thigh Lipo Improve My Saddlebags?
Thigh lipo may help to improve your saddlebags, but it depends on which procedure you have. If you have inner thigh lipo, that won’t address your saddlebags. On the other hand, outer thigh lipo may help, as may 360 lipo. It’s important to note, though, that if you have excess skin as well as fat, you may need a thigh lift. That is because liposuction only removes fat, not skin.
Am I A Good Candidate For Saddlebag Lipo?
A good candidate for saddlebag lipo is fit and close to their ideal body weight. They will have a realistic expectation of the surgery’s outcome and be willing to live a healthy lifestyle afterward. They should be a non-smoker and non-vaper and be prepared to follow their surgeon’s instructions.
Where Can I Learn More About This Procedure?
To learn more about saddlebag lipo, get in touch with Dr. Su at ArtLipo. Dr. Su is a liposuction expert who is a pioneer in the field. His cutting-edge techniques produce impressive outcomes for his patients. Call our team today to arrange your thigh liposuction consultation.