The most common risks associated with lipedema liposuction include bruising and swelling. All patients experience these issues. Bleeding and infection are two other potential problems. Fortunately, complications from lipedema liposuction are usually minor. Most patients recover quickly and enjoy excellent outcomes.

Will I Experience Swelling After Lipedema Liposuction?

It's important to be aware that all patients will experience swelling after liposuction. That is equally true after lipedema liposuction. While swelling can seem alarming, it is entirely normal. In fact, all types of surgery usually result in swelling. That is because the tissues experience inflammation as a natural reaction to trauma. Swelling is uncomfortable and sometimes worrying, but it will eventually go down.

You can expect swelling to begin soon after surgery. It will usually reach its peak between three and five days after surgery. At that point you may worry that the surgery has not worked. Don't panic, though. After this point, the swelling will gradually reduce. It's essential to have realistic expectations of how the treated areas will look after surgery. Immediately following surgery your limbs will probably look smaller. However, post-surgical swelling will probably negate this improvement over the next few days. Patience is key. After a few weeks, you'll begin to see your limbs are smaller. You may not see the full outcome of your procedure for several months. Some patients may need to wait as long as a year before they see the final result.

Read More - How Long Does Lipo Swelling Last?

Could I Risk Serious Complications During Lipedema Liposuction?

All types of surgery come with their own risks. There is no such thing as a risk-free surgery. However, liposuction is associated with a low risk of serious complications.

The most common problems patients experience after surgery are bruising, pain, and swelling. Virtually all patients will experience these issues to at least some extent. After a few weeks, these symptoms will subside and eventually disappear.

Bleeding is another possibility after lipedema liposuction. Fortunately, it is unlikely to be serious unless the patient is anemic or has varicose veins.

Infections can occasionally happen and sometimes wounds may heal slowly. These are two further potential issues that some patients experience. Attending your follow-up appointments will reduce the risk of these issues arising. Your surgeon will have the chance to spot any potential problems at an early stage and address them.

Loose skin or contour irregularities are possible after lipedema liposuction procedures. The aim of the surgery is to eliminate the abnormal fat to improve mobility and reduce pain. Unlike cosmetic liposuction, the aim of these procedures is not to produce a cosmetically flawless effect. However, it's possible to have further procedures to improve skin appearance if it doesn't eventually contract. Choosing an experienced and skilled surgeon also minimizes the chance of loose skin occurring.

In rare cases, patients may experience some pins and needles, burning, or numbness while the nerves are recovering. This usually resolves itself within a few weeks or months.

Very rarely, a patient may develop a fat embolus, PE, or DVT. Seeking immediate medical attention for such issues is crucial.

Before you panic, keep in mind that in the hands of a skilled and experienced surgeon, complications are far less likely to arise. Therefore, choosing the best liposuction surgeon is imperative.

Will I Have Scarring After Lipedema Liposuction?

Some patients worry that they will have unattractive scars after liposuction procedures. Lipedema sufferers, however, often worry less about scarring as they are seeking relief from their symptoms, not cosmetic perfection. Nevertheless, patients will be pleased to learn that scarring is minimal. The incision sites are very small. A skilled surgeon will always take care to ensure any scarring is kept to a minimum. They will aim to choose incision sites that are easily disguised. As a result, it's unlikely that patients will have noticeable scars after healing takes place.

Is Lipedema Liposuction Worth It?

The answer to the question is lipedema liposuction worth it is different for every sufferer. Some lipedema sufferers worry about undergoing surgery and would prefer to try conservative methods instead. Some patients may find this is the right choice for them. But it is still worth considering undergoing surgery, which is the gold-standard treatment for lipedema.

Lipedema surgery offers many benefits, including:

  • Patients enjoy a better quality of life
  • Reduced pain
  • Improved mobility
  • A more proportionate body appearance
  • Better mental and emotional well-being
  • Long-lasting results
  • Disease progression slows considerably, often by many years

These advantages make lipedema liposuction well worth it for a significant number of sufferers. But choosing the right surgeon is key. You must select a surgeon who is an expert in both liposuction procedures and in treating lipedema patients. That will ensure the best possible outcome for you. Dr. Su at ArtLipo is leading the way in this field and produces excellent results for people at all stages. Get in touch today to find out more about the benefits and risks of lipedema liposuction.