Lipedema usually affects the lower body. However, some patients experience symptoms of lipedema in their arms too. These include swelling and excess fat around the upper arms. This fat will have a nodular texture. Often lobules of fat will form too, hanging down from the arms. Lipedema fat is painful. Therefore, sufferers will often experience pain in their arms. They may also struggle to move them freely when the fat begins to build up. Sufferers also experience poor self-esteem due to the disproportionate appearance of their arms.

How Many Lipedema Sufferers Experience Symptoms in Their Arms?

In most cases, people with lipedema experience symptoms in their lower body. They tend to find their legs are noticeably large and column like. Often, they will need a larger dress size for their lower body compared with their upper body. They also experience symptoms like pain, easy bruising, and nodular fat in their legs. In around 70% of cases, lipedema only affects the lower body. Nevertheless, that leaves around 30% of sufferers experiencing arm symptoms.

What Are the Signs of Arm Lipedema?

If you suspect you may have arm lipedema, it’s important to know the signs and symptoms. These include:

  • Disproportionate accumulation of fat on the arms. Fatty deposits will form primarily on the upper arms. They will look disproportionately large when compared to the upper body.
  • Unaffected hands. Lipedema doesn’t affect the hands. That means sufferers will often notice a cuff of fat at the wrist.
  • Bilateral Symmetry. If you have arm lipedema, you will notice both arms are equally affected.
  • Unusual texture. Lipedema fat has a different texture than regular fat. It has a nodular texture that is similar to pebbles, grains, or rice underneath the skin.
  • Easy bruising and pain in the arms.
  • Lobules of fat may form on the underhang of the upper arm.
  • Patients will also have lipedema fat on their lower body.

Is Arm Lipedema Painful?

Unfortunately, lipedema is a condition characterized by painful fat. Wherever on the body the lipedema fat accumulates it causes pain in that area. That means if a sufferer has arm lipedema, they will experience pain in their arms.

Lipedema causes chronic pain that may only be at a mild level but may equally be quite severe. The arms will also often be tender to the touch and highly sensitive. Even the lightest pressure may cause discomfort. Lipedema causes fragile capillaries, so people with arm lipedema tend to experience frequent, easy bruising. It may occur even if the contact or bump was relatively minor. These bruises can be painful.

How Do I Know If I Have Lymphedema or Lipedema in My Arms?

Many people confuse lymphedema with lipedema. Yet while there are similarities between the two conditions, they are not the same. Not only are the causes of lipedema and lymphedema different, but the symptoms are too. In terms of the arms, lymphedema primarily affects the hands and fingers. The swelling is also typically only on one side of the body or is worse on one side. Conversely, lipedema usually doesn’t affect the hands and there may be a cuff of fat at the wrists. Primarily it affects the upper arms instead. Lipedema is also bilateral, with swelling being equal on both sides of the body.

Does Arm Lipedema Reduce Function?

When fat accumulates in the arms, it can limit mobility. That makes it significantly harder to carry or lift items, and to perform even simple tasks. As the fat increases the weight of the upper arms, sufferers often experience fatigue and heaviness in their upper limbs. That makes it challenging to carry out activities that require endurance or arm strength. These symptoms can make daily activities like reaching, lifting or even dressing difficult. As a result, sufferers often become frustrated and have a poorer quality of life.

Does Lipedema in The Arms Have Psychological Symptoms?

Psychological symptoms commonly affect lipedema sufferers. Body image issues are commonplace. Sufferers are often anxious about whether they will fit into clothes. They also feel embarrassed about their disproportionate appearance. Furthermore, the chronic pain they experience in their arms can lead to anxiety, depression, and impaired mental health.

Can Arm Lipedema Be Treated?

Although there is no cure for arm lipedema, there are treatments available. Sufferers can choose between conservative and surgical options. Conservative treatments like wearing compression garments and undergoing manual lymphatic drainage only address the symptoms. Surgery addresses the cause, which is the diseased fat. That makes surgery the best choice for long-term benefits. If you are keen to undergo lipedema surgery, it’s imperative to choose the right surgeon. Only a highly skilled and experienced surgeon can effectively treat lipedema patients. Dr. Su at ArtLipo is your number-one choice in Tampa, Florida. Get in touch today to find out more.