Lipedema is a poorly understood chronic health condition characterized by diseased, painful fat. Usually, it affects the lower body. However, some sufferers find that they develop symptoms in their arms too. The causes of lipedema remain unclear but experts now believe it may have a genetic and hormonal cause.

Is Lipedema in The Arms Unusual?

Usually, lipedema affects a sufferer’s lower body. In most cases, sufferers will have a disproportionate body shape. Typically, their lower body will be larger than their upper body. It may even be several sizes larger. Yet while this is the case, there are different types of lipedema. Some sufferers find that abnormal fat accumulation only affects their legs. Their legs appear large, swollen, and column-like from thigh to ankle. Lipedema affects other sufferers from the hips down. One type of lipedema causes sufferers to accumulate excess fat on the upper arms as well as the lower body. Lipedema will not only occur in the arms. It will affect the arms in conjunction with the lower body. In most cases, sufferers find their arms remain unaffected until the condition is quite advanced.

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Does Arm Lipedema Have a Hormonal Cause?

Unfortunately, at the present time, the cause of lipedema remains unknown. Nevertheless, recent studies have led experts to believe that hormones have a role to play, especially estrogen. The reason for this connection is that lipedema develops or worsens when hormones fluctuate. Therefore, sufferers find their condition first appears or becomes more severe during times like puberty, menopause, and pregnancy. Experts believe estrogen is a key hormone in cases of lipedema as the condition virtually always only affects biological females. While there are a few male sufferers, they have proven hormone imbalances. When it comes specifically to arm lipedema, experts believe genetics have a part to play. Hormonal changes might trigger gene expressions linked to the accumulation of fat in the arms.

Does Arm Lipedema Have a Genetic Cause?

Recent studies suggest that lipedema has a genetic component. The reason for this theory is that many patients have close family members that also are sufferers. If someone has a mother, sister, or grandmother with the condition, they have a greater chance of suffering themselves. Genetics also influence where fat accumulates on our bodies, even without lipedema in the equation. For example, some people genetically will accumulate more fat around their stomachs, while others have larger hips. In cases of lipedema, genetics may affect where the diseased fat develops. Genes cause some sufferers to develop lipedema in their arms whereas in others, it only develops in the legs.

Is Inflammation a Cause of Arm Lipedema?

As there is currently no definitive cause of lipedema, experts have several theories. One is that chronic inflammation causes arm lipedema. There is also a theory that imbalances of inflammatory cytokine molecules can exacerbate the accumulation of fat in the arms. Furthermore, inflammation can negatively impact lymphatic drainage. Over time, this worsens the build-up of fat resulting in more swelling in the arms.

Does Lifestyle or the Environment Have an Impact on Lipedema in the Arms?

Many sufferers worry that their lifestyle choices or the environment in which they live impacts their condition. It is important to note these factors don’t cause lipedema in the arms, or any other part of the body. It should be noted, however, that these factors can exacerbate lipedema symptoms. So, for example, if a sufferer leads a sedentary life, they have a higher chance of developing more fat. If they have a genetic predisposition to fat accumulation in their arms, they’re likely to see more arm fat developing.

A sedentary lifestyle is also linked to obesity. While lipedema and obesity are not the same thing, they have a connection. If somebody is obese already, lipedema symptoms are worse and the fat is far more noticeable. Other lifestyle and environmental factors like diet, stress, and general health can also worsen the symptoms of arm lipedema.

Can Surgery Treat Lipedema in the Arms?

For those who suffer from lipedema, the good news is that surgery can treat the condition effectively. Unfortunately, there is currently no cure, but surgery is the best option to achieve lasting relief from symptoms. Lipedema liposuction is the gold-standard treatment for this condition. It removes the diseased fat, thus reducing the sufferer’s pain and improving their appearance. Most patients find that they enjoy a significantly better quality of life after surgery. Surgery also slows and may even halt the progression of the disease. To achieve the best results from surgery, choosing a specialist experienced surgeon is crucial. Dr Su at ArtLipo is a leader in the field of liposuction and is an expert in treating lipedema. Get in touch with the ArtLipo team today to find out more and to arrange a consultation.