What Is An Apron Belly?
Apron belly has several other names, such as a mother’s apron or pannus stomach. It occurs when the fat surrounding your internal organs expands because of pregnancy or weight gain. The result is extra fatty deposits in your omentum. That is an apron-like flap beneath the abdominal muscles and in front of your intestines. It creates an unattractive pouch of excess fat and skin.
How Big Is An Apron Belly?
Apron bellies come in different sizes. Some hang down to the pubic area. Others hang to the thighs or even as low as the knees. Clearly, this can cause significant discomfort for the sufferer.
Also Read: I Have an Apron Belly, Will Liposuction on the Stomach Help?
Is An Apron Belly A Medical Problem?
An apron belly can be associated with a number of health problems. Evidence shows it may put you at a higher risk of some cancers, diabetes, and heart disease. You may also suffer from skin issues due to rubbing and chafing of the skin. Although there are some physical issues associated with apron bellies, many of the medical issues are emotional and mental. Sufferers tend to experience considerable distress about their appearance and often have low self-esteem. In the long term, it can result in depression and anxiety.
Will Losing Weight Help Improve My Apron Belly?
Many people believe that losing weight can improve the appearance of an apron belly. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case.
If you are overweight and have an apron belly, losing some weight may reduce its size. Some people think that sit-ups and stomach crunches will resolve the problem. These exercises may strengthen your abdominal muscles, but the apron belly will still remain. The stomach has two layers of fat, which makes it very difficult to tone this area. When you perform stomach exercises, you work specific muscles. Those muscles may develop, but the layer of fat still surrounds them, disguising their toned appearance.
Eating healthily and performing lots of varied exercises may help to slim you down overall if you’re overweight. Nevertheless, spot treating an apron belly is impossible. You may find that your stomach stays large when the rest of your body slims down. In fact, losing weight might make the appearance of your apron belly worse. If the skin has lost elasticity, it will hang loosely and still look unsightly.
Is There Any Non-Surgical Way To Treat An Apron Belly?
Many people suffering from an apron belly are worried about the idea of having surgery. They, therefore, look for natural solutions that they can try. Unfortunately, you can address the symptoms of an apron belly naturally, but not the cause.
The non-surgical treatments you can try to relieve the discomfort of an apron belly include:
- Applying an anti-chafing cream to the affected area.
- Wearing support clothing or bands around your stomach.
- Keeping the area dry and clean to protect against chafing and rubbing due to sweat.
- Wearing clothing to disguise the appearance of your apron belly, such as control underwear.
None of these treatments resolves the cause of the problem. However, they may make it easier to live with an apron belly. If you want to get rid of the problem altogether, though, surgery is your only option.
What Kind Of Surgery Treats An Apron Belly?
There are a couple of different types of surgery that can remove an apron belly:
- A panniculectomy. This surgical procedure involves removing excess hanging fat and skin from your lower stomach. The surgeon gives you an anesthetic so you feel no pain, then makes an incision in the abdomen. They cut away the excess skin and fat. They then close the incisions. Afterward, you will experience pain and swelling for several days. After a couple of weeks, you will be able to walk comfortably again. After a few months, you should feel relatively normal again.
- A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty. This procedure is similar to a panniculectomy, but it also involves tightening of the stomach muscles. The surgeon cuts away the excess skin and fat while the patient is under anesthesia. Afterward, there is some pain and swelling for a few days. The recovery period is around six weeks.
Another possibility is to have a combination of both surgeries. Some patients can also benefit from having liposuction of the abdomen at the same time.
How Can I Get Rid Of My Apron Belly?
If you have an apron belly, you probably want to know how to get rid of it. You need to find a skilled and experienced surgeon who can help you. The best course of action is to consult the ArtLipo team in Tampa, Florida. You can get all the information and advice you need about these procedures. You can also book a consultation with a skilled surgeon to find out which surgical procedures could benefit you. You can begin your journey towards better physical and emotional health by having surgery to remove your apron belly.